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CAOUS researcher wins prestigious ETS Walton Fellowship

January, 2012

CAOUS researcher Adjunct Professor Bryan Dalton has obtained a presigious E.T.S. Walton Visiting Researcher Award funded by Science Foundation of Ireland to work with Dr Thomas Busch at University College, Cork for six months in 2012. The research topic of the award is:

Atom Interferometry as a Tool for Entanglement Detection.

As part of the program Prof Dalton will give a course of lectures at UC Cork, present seminars at several Irish universities and participate in the UCC public awareness of science program.

The award is named in honour of the Irish physicist Ernest Walton who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1951 with Sir John Cockroft for their pioneering work in the Cavendish Laboratory on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles
